The Wild Bill Wall
(by Susan James)
(General Theme)
A Unique Way To Pay Your Bills When Fear of Not Being
Able To Is Eating Your Guts and Brains Out.
Also Included Buffering and Protecting Yourself
Against The Monsters In Your Mailbox.
This is a 3 page word document. $1.49
(From The First Page)
I had never put this game out before, not even in the
Manifesting Games of Susan James until The Done Deal
book was published. I had only shared it one other time and it
was in the last MMUF Course. (MonsterMMUF) based on
The Manifesting Methods for Would Be Millionaires Ultra
Focus and book by the same name.
I designed it a long time ago, for me..well, when I needed a
unique way to pay my bills, while fear of not being able to,
was trying to eat my guts and brain out. (sj)
Now Available at
and on Amazon as Magic Wall Money
Susan James On Amazon: