This third in the series of SJMG focuses on illumination, ascension and the opening of our pituitary, which increases our overall expansion and ease of manifestation. From this place of Illumination our lives are expanded in many ways, both physically and non-physically. There are many ways-percepti...
This third in the series of SJMG focuses on illumination, ascension and the opening of our pituitary, which increases our overall expansion and ease of manifestation. From this place of Illumination our lives are expanded in many ways, both physically and non-physically.
There are many ways-perceptions on the way to illuminated mind, the information offered here was simply my way of approaching it. Within these 103 pages are terms and information related to higher knowledge. For more detail on this 3rd in the SJMG series, please download the ‘Sampler’ which gives and overall summary of all three in the series of Susan James Manifesting Games. The SJMG Sampler may be found in pdf epub, Kobo, Nook and Kindle.