Affecting The Probability of Possibilities. Closing The Gap Between Desire and Fulfillment
The Done Deal features the Susan James Method of Manifestation - Affecting The Probability of Possibilities - Closing The Gap Between Desire and Fulfillment.Those desires that we have, some that seem elusive, but still calling us, will only be accomplished through higher study and personal developme...
The Done Deal features the Susan James Method of Manifestation – Affecting The Probability of Possibilities – Closing The Gap Between Desire and Fulfillment.
Those desires that we have, some that seem elusive, but still calling us, will only be accomplished through higher study and personal development. The Done Deal provides energetic shortcuts for those who feel led to them.
Maybe you are one?
Susan James
“Susan James is the Martha Stewart of manifestation methods.” Hank Ramsan, The Millionaire Maverick
A Course In Personal Development Using Higher Mechanics
Inside The Done Deal
Why we do not need to overcome our current finances before we can have more money.
Understanding Pure Thoughtforms as they relate to human Thoughtforms and how it affects the speed and quality of manifestation.
Why having all that we desire fulfilled, is much easier than all that we currently understand.
Higher Understanding says: you can have whatever you want. All you need to do it to walk into the ice cream store of life.
How do we go about collecting desire fulfillment in the easiest way?
Getting our bills paid using The Wild Bill Wall.
Pure Higher Focus is different than usual focus.
Having The Golden Goose energy.
Getting out of the how-to loop, and getting into Done Deal speed
Creating thought-fusion for faster manifestation
Why the excitement leaves after we have gotten what we want—how to use this for desire fulfillment.
We can put the cart before the horse and get what we want.
How to uncork the genie’s bottle.
Using the done deal for desire fulfillment is like using Miracle Grow for plants.
How to enter the Gulf Stream of manifestation and what it looks like.
The underbelly of manifestation (for the analytical among us)
How long does it take, and how will I know it is coming to me?
There are many wonderful books available on the subject matter of which I expand here. I take no credit for any secrets or discoveries. The material is out there for all of us to find. I’ll list some acknowledgment and references towards the back for you to use in your own personal development.
This book is simply my application of how I used various methods for my own development, and how I re-designed what is already out there for my success. I had to make it my own, just as you will find ways to make it your own. Along my journey I glimpsed many insights and inspirations, which I
share in this book.
There is also a bit of newness among the pages.
All of the wonderful books by great writers and the inspirational essence behind these writings, while still on the written page, are simply mental theories and philosophies. They are ideas we may
choose to practice and prove. We have to be willing to try out these theories and ideas and prove to ourselves that they do in fact work-if we work them.
I have done that; worked them. They work. Others of whom I have assisted one-on-one and in courses have also succeeded in the applications of these methods.
It is my intent to keep the wording clear and concise. By no means is this the only book that you need to read of the many writers from ancient to present day. This is simply one person’s
application. Mine. You may find something new among the pages.
I endeavor not to repeat what I have already written in other books. I do recommend that you read some of those, along with the free material I offer in various places online. This is however an expanded version of my earlier books with some added expansion methods used in many of the various Susan James Courses as well as the avenue of consulting.
This is a Course in Personal Development, Using Higher Mechanics in a Concise Format.
I have made this writing so concise that in the beginning stages it was actually three books. It is now one. This is the fundamentals of manifestation at work as valued in my own experience. It is my Application of Higher Mechanics.