Done Deal Excerpt #1 (Susan James)









The Done Deal (by Susan James)

The Done Deal features the Susan James Method of
Manifestation – Affecting The Probability of Possibilities –
Closing The Gap Between Desire and Fulfillment.

Those desires that we have, some that seem elusive, but still
calling us, will only be accomplished through higher study and
personal development. The Done Deal provides energetic
shortcuts for those who feel led to them.

Maybe you are one?

Other Themes within The Done Deal
A Course In Personal Development Using Higher Mechanics
Why we do not need to overcome our current finances before
we can have more money.
Understanding Pure Thoughtforms as they relate to human
Thoughtforms and how it affects the speed and quality of
Why having all that we desire fulfilled, is much easier than all
that we currently understand. Susan James

Where to find The Done Deal (Digital / Print)
Susan James On Amazon:
Susan James BOOKS: PDF Epub

Everything Susan James

Susan James / Vast Five Productions

Susan James SOCKS /on Amazon
(Socks for Readers and Writers)
Susan James SOCKS / Direct from Susan