The 3rd Issue Castles-The Newsletter (Subscription) is out!
Castles – The Newsletter (Issue #3)Issue #3 Profusion Abundance
(The Opposite of The Other Shoe Dropping) (by Susan James)
Profusion Abundance
(The Opposite of The Other Shoe Dropping)
(by Susan James)
(Excerpt) One of the trickiest things to accept as I’ve been studying, practicing and applying higher law, is that everything..and I mean everything not only is meant to be, but actually becomes easy.
Many of us when things begin to go well, all of a sudden the other shoe drops. Something happens that doesn’t feel so great and off track we go thinking we need to fix something.
So… having everything taken care of easily, was not a ‘familiar feeling’. It was something that I had to over and over be amazed by, until it became familiar. It became something on which I new I could depend. This is not blind faith at work. It is the workings of the law, and I had been doing that
to the best of my ability all along. And..on top of that, to apply this ease to abundance, for some of us is even a bit trickier.
We are told through many writers and writings of ‘Abundance’, that the Universe is Abundant and we have access to that abundance and that it is easy to access it. The problem has been of course that life started beating that out of us at an early age, so it’s no wonder some of us have had
some challenges in trying to teach ourselves about how abundance works.
Profusion is defined as abundance, abundant quantity, lavish spending, extravagance, opulence, surplus wealth, affluence bounty and on and on it goes..
If we are at a place in our lives where things are feeling hard and we are continuously having to put out the fires of our lives, it’s a bit of a challenge to believe in the ease of profusion abundance. But, we so much want to believe in it. That is the good news, we want to believe it. That’s the start,
the fast track button.
This desire to live and enjoy profusion abundance is the Ideal. It’s what we are supposed to be doing and being and it’s supposed to be easy.What are we to do, if it’s not yet easy?
(End Excerpt)
Total Words 3rd Issue: Over 1600 words / 4 page word doc
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