The Done Deal: Prep Stage and De-Greaser Stage (sj)

We Can Go Through It, Or We Can Done Deal It!
(Susan James)

The Done Deal: Prep Stage and De-Greaser Stage
(by Susan James)

When you have some ‘alone time’…

The Done Deal: The Prep Stage

Write the answer to this out…write it ALL will probably be pages and pages.
(Type or longhand, which ever you are
drawn to do.) (I’m using 3 usual examples.
Do which ever one of them which may apply
to you, and that which feels most ‘correct’ to
do now.)

(Write This At The Top Of The Page)

What would it be like if I woke up one
morning and noticed all my symptoms were
gone, and my doctor was amazed; what
would it mean to my life and what would
my life be and feel like?

What would it be like if my Plan A for my
life/lifestyle showed up tomorrow, what
would it mean to me and what would it
look and feel like?

And Or…Maybe it’s for a new car or an
event you have coming up.

If you are willing to sit and do the above
then….next….This is what you might
consider doing for the most benefit.

A. Read it outloud at least 3x as soon as
you’ve totally finished writing it. (Note: as
you do this, it may bring up ‘more’ lower
thoughts. Notice what they are and jot them
down, so that you can come back later and
write about those thoughts, so that you
expand beyond them.)

B. Fine tune the whole thing down to a 25
word statement of how your life IS (as you
choose it)

C. In your mind/imagination, come up with
a Done Deal picture of something which
represents your 25 word statement.
(Example: you smiling as you are hearing
your doctor tell you how amazed he is.)
(Example: You showing off your new car to
a friend or relative.)

Then Daily:
A. Read your 25 word statement 3x outloud
in the morning.
B. At least once during the day, bring up
your Done Deal Image in your mind. The
more the better.

The Done Deal: The De-Greaser Stage

As you do this, this may happen:
Things and people show up contradictory to
your done deal (resistance). And you usually
just keep those thoughts to yourself…but
that’s the main thing that keeps us stuck in a

We need to surface and acknowledge
‘what we are thinking’ when those lower
thoughts show up. We don’t need to do
anything about them, just ‘write them out of
our heads’… The moment we do that, we
have expanded and events and circum-
stances move and change.

(To Repeat and Know This:
The moment we do that, we
have expanded and events and circum-
stances move and change.)

The reason to tell no one about this, is that
in the beginning stages of learning how
things really work, other peoples beliefs-
feelings/judgements bleed over into our
space and sort of contaminate it. We don’t
want that, of course, as it adds more
resistance and more linear time and events.

Question: What ‘difference’ will doing
something like this mean to my life?
Answer: Absolutely Everything

If you are like me and enjoy wanting to
understand why and how things really work
behind the scenes and why The Prep
and Degreaser make a huge difference; then
you’ll have to read The Done Deal Book.

Susan James

Susan James Casual (MORE Developing!)
Reflecting Products of
Effortless Visualization & Immaculate Momentum
Susan James Casual

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