The Done Deal (Susan James) Excerpt #2










The Done Deal (by Susan James) Excerpt #2

(The Done Deal features the Susan James Method of
Manifestation – Affecting The Probability of Possibilities –
Closing The Gap Between Desire and Fulfillment.)

Early on I realized I wasn’t going to get what I really wanted,
at the level I wanted, by following general business and
self-growth concepts. At the time I didn’t know why this was
the case. I do know now. I also knew I wouldn’t get there
following general religious or mainstream spiritual concepts
and beliefs, although both were an intensive and enjoyable part
of my study.

The same part of me that knew what wouldn’t work drove me
to understand ‘how things really work behind the curtain.’ As
I began to understand, I applied these principles to my life,
lifestyle and business. Did I have bumps and bruises along the
way? Yes, but my thirst for this knowledge kept me going no
matter what. No matter my resources, no matter any broken
hearts, no matter anything.

What kept me going even with the bumps and bruises? I knew
that as I expanded into the ‘correct understanding and
application of higher knowledge’ the bumps and bruises of
time and circumstance would cease. Done Deal. The Way:
Continuing on the way, and getting there, isn’t for everyone.
You already know, if it is for you. (Susan James)”

Where to find The Done Deal (Digital / Print)
Susan James on Amazon
Susan James BOOKS: PDF Epub
Susan James / Vast Five Productions

(Socks for Readers and Writers)
Susan James SOCKS /on Amazon
Susan James SOCKS / Direct From Susan