Trigger of Automatic Manifestation (Susan James)





The Trigger of Automatic Manifestation

(Getting Without Doing)
(by Susan James)

(from) Castle Speed (Kindle Version)
Understanding How Creating Castles or Buttons is
The Same (An Introduction into the Castles and
Buttons Series, 1,2,3)

Many of us have moved so far away from our
understanding of Source Energy and our
connection to it, that we have no idea of how easy
things were originally set up to be.

Part of our getting back to this understanding are
the basic teachings of The Law of Attraction and
getting familiar on a consistent basis with feeling
good and what it means to having our lives as we
choose and prefer them to be.

The ‘feeling good’ vibration connects us to the
Source of All, The Giver of Gifts.

However, as the wonderful writer of many years
ago, Emilie Cady wrote, “Although this Grace is
given to everyone, it is manifested only in
proportion as we recognize …the Source of the All
Good that we desire; look to Source/The I AM for
it, acknowledge IT as All, and affirm persistently in
the face of all opposition that The Son of God
(Invisible Substance) is made Visible (Visible-
Material Substance) through us.” (Some
paraphrase by sj)

What this tells us, is that yes, moving ourselves to
a consistent vibration of feeling good is very
important, but it is not enough. However, having a
consistent vibration of feeling good, will move us
high enough to where we can then accept that
anything and everything we could possibly ever
want to experience in our physical lives, (in the
original design of life); was simply just given to us.
How difficult is that for many of us to consider?
Based on all of our doing, for some of us, that is
the ‘tangled web we’ve had to unweave’, me

We have stepped aside from our Source Energy,
we have stepped out of the batters box. It’s time to
move back IN. That has been my work. My effort.
The Study of Grace, The Act of The Instrument of
Grace. The Mitzvah.

Fortunately for me, I get some of my best insights
from the entertainment world; what a fun way to
move higher! It was an episode of ‘Studio 60 on
The Sunset Strip’ (Screen Writer, Aaron Sorkin)
that when Matthew Perry’s character said the
word: ‘Mitzvah,’ it stood out like a bolt of

Source Energy has given us so many clues to help
us find our way back. IT’S in The Bible, ITS in
The Enoch/The Book of Knowledge, ITS in the
New Age/Spiritual Studies, ITS in the Kabbalah,
ITS in The Green Books..(The St. Germain
Series), ITS in our myths and fairy tales.
(Heck its in our TV Shows and Movies!)

And this is where we have to see MORE. All of
the feeling good, the affirmations, the chants, The
Swords of Three’s, the study of intention, the
visualizations, they all work to a certain extent, to
a certain point. The job of these tools is to help us
clean up our thought stream energy so that we will
eventually see the error, the incorrectness of our
ways. The moment we see that, then we start to
believe, we start to open up to…we begin to
acknowledge the possibilities of The Grace, The
Act of The Instrument of Grace, The Original
Design for our lives. The Original Design for Our
Lives which was.. All that stuff you want for your
life, the lifestyles, the riches, the wealth, the
health…Source says and wants to ‘just give it us’
no strings attached, no catch, no conditions to it.

The more we study and understand, the less we
need to study because we know, we accept, we
acknowledge and we see proof of it.

The effort is in cleaning up our thought stream,
because our thought stream contains contrast.
Even when we feel good about something we
want, and we use the Done Deal of it, it can bring
us that thing…but we could have gotten it so much
easier, more quickly and void of any type of work
or effort, if we understood why we could have it
that way.

This understanding takes us beyond the ‘do what
you love and money will flow’. We don’t need to
do squat so that money flows once we are under
the Act of The Instrument of Grace; Which is the
Trigger of Automatic Manifestation.

Currently, many of us find our way to connect to
Source Energy through some pain. We ask for help
from some place we don’t understand, but in our
pain, we are driven to ask for help. And that helps
comes, but what if we understood how to have
that help without having some pain or frustration
to drive us there first? And what if the more we
use it, the more we understand how we can use it
minus the pain, just because we ‘want something
to have it?’

This absence of understanding is what limits our
lives. Not lack of understanding, but absence of,
and there is a huge crevice of difference between
lack of and absence of.

There is no contrast, there is no limit…there is only
the absence of understanding of Grace.
That’s ALL, that is ALL, Everything is FREELY
GIVEN. We are to live our lives from being
blessed; not live our lives towards being blessed.

Bringing myself to living from this place has been
my life’s study and pleasure. It has pulled me
up and into IT. It was the thorn in my side and
speck in my eye. As I love business, I love
publishing, I love entrepreneurship. But gee wiz…it
was so easy to get caught up in all the wonderful
doing of it all; all the philosophies of what needed
to be done, so that the accomplishment I had set
up would be achieved. Don’t misunderstand, I
Love all the study of all of that doing, BUT it was
the thorn in my side, the speck in my eye. It was
blocking my Grace, the very thing I really wanted,
but didn’t know it yet.

I had built up an energy stream of all the words, all
the thoughts of doing, of needing to do, of what
others were suggesting to do all of their doing..and
round and round and we all were going and doing!
STOP IT! It is so much easier to just stop and
connect to Source, to The I Am and simply Ask
for what we want. That is The Real
Accomplishment, Getting to The Act of The
Instrument of GRACE.

We’ve been doing it half right, we’ve taught
ourselves to find the clarity so we would ask
correctly. Now is the time to add the EASE IN.
Connect First, Then Ask…but again as Cady
suggested we are only given in proportion to our
levels of our understanding. And what must we
now begin to understand? The Act of The
Instrument of Grace. The Act of Being Freely
Given Absolutely Anything and Everything We
could possibly ever dream of and beyond!

I needed to see how all of that doing, even though
it felt good to do that doing, it was building a
strong stream of energy blocking the Grace of
Everything I wanted showing up as I knew it
could. And how was that? In Total Grace Speed
and Extravagance!

But down the rabbit hole we can go, but The Study
of Grace, The Study of Automatic Manifestation
kept pulling me up and out of the rabbit hole.

And I know beyond a shadow of doubt that I don’t
have to do a lick, I don’t have to do squat to have
what I have been prompted to want for my life.

Once we understand ‘doing from blessedness,
doing from Grace, doing from The Act of The
Instrument of Grace, doing from being Given It
All, Freely, The Floodgates Open UP! And we
stop asking that question.. “Does this mean we
don’t have to DO anything?”

To The Best of The Best In Everything.
Susan James

and….please remember….(if you choose)
The Truth Does Not Bend, But Our Use Of It
Allows Us To Bend Everything. (sj)

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